I'm a little late on posting for Dodgers one month mark. Our little guy is 6 weeks now and growing like a weed! We got so incredibly lucky with not only such a handsome boy but he is perfect! This boy does not cry...he gets a little mad when he's naked but besides that he doesn't make a peep!
Dodger spent 8 days in the NICU(they told us 3-5 weeks so we were thrilled with only 8 days!) He was sent home still on oxygen which was very intimidating and scary. knowing that with every beep of the machine it means your baby isn't breathing right can be very nerve racking. Throughout our stay in the hospital it seemed easy to stay strong through our whole situation and think positive. Our first night home it all really hit me. My baby was hooked up to machines and my husband couldn't walk. Matthew has always been my rock, just seeing him so vulnerable and hurt tore me to pieces. Not only did I have a husband injured and having a long road ahead of him to recovery, my son was also so fragile and small. I was completely scared that I would do something wrong or wouldn't know how to take care of him at home. It was so comforting in the hospital to have nurses there and I wish I could have brought a nurse home with me! The first night was rough, it was all I could do not to cry. I was not successful. Thankfully it got a lot easier after the first night home. It was still a struggle having Dodger on oxygen for two weeks but we made it through and are so strong as a family because of all these trials we've been faced with. I'm so incredibly thankful for my boys and how strong they have been. Its amazing to watch Matthew, he has been in so much pain and I know how hard it is for him not to be able to walk and do the things he wants to do, but he's never complained and continues to act like he isn't injured. He brings in groceries even though he's on crutches, he hops on stools (even though I beg him not to) to change batteries in our smoke detectors, and he tries to do as much as he possibly can. He doesn't give up and pushes himself which makes me admire him so much. Its nice having such a strong husband because he doesn't give me any room to be weak. He definitely has it worse than I do so I don't dare complain ever haha He truly makes me a better person and Im so thankful for that.
Dodger is the sweetest boy. I'm not sure what it's like to have a "normal" baby but I think its definitely not normal to be as good as he is! He never cries and smiles all the time. He sleeps pretty much all day and when he's awake he just stares at us with his little looks. I absolutely die over how much I love his big lips! He does the cutest things with his mouth that I cant help but be obsessed. He is still so little and fits perfectly in his newborn clothes...sometimes I can even still fit him in preemie pants! He burps like his dad, which is a lot. I love how Dodge is a mini clone of Matthew. I desperately wanted to have a son that was exactly like Matt and I lucked out! My boys are pretty dang handsome.
We've nicknamed our little guy "Buddy" "little buddy" "mister" and "stinker"
My favorite time with him is his morning feedings...I bring him in to our bed and we get to snuggle for a little while. We both sleep so good next to each other that it's incredibly tempting to just let him sleep with us always, but I resist the temptation.
He's now projectile pooped on both Matt and I, which we find hilarious!
He hates having lotion put on him...just like his old man
Aunt Shanell came to visit!
Matthew still caries groceries in...he's a doll!
The many stretches of Dodge
First mini day road trip to Salt Lake
His newborn photo shoot!
Those lips!
"Mom please no photos!"
Cousin Kenna absolutely loves Dodger
Dodger and Cuda love to cuddle
Hi Heather! Great pictures :-) I'm Heather and I just have a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)